Thorpe, Kiki

In a blink / Kiki Thorpe - New York Random House 2013 - 118 p. - The never girls .

The Disney Fairies star in a magical all-new early chapter book series for kids ages 6 to 10—The Never Girls!

Kate craves adventure and excitement.
Mia loves dresses, roses, and anything beautiful.
Lainey dreams of talking to animals.
Gabby believes in fairies more than anyone.

In a blink of an eye, these four best friends all get their biggest wish—they’re whisked off to Never Land, home to Tinker Bell and her fairy friends. The adventure of a lifetime is just beginning! But how will the Never Girls ever get home again?


Young Learners
Characters and characteristics in literature
Never-Never Land (Imaginary place)

Fiction THO-K