Kolluru, Sharada

Half single half married / Sharada kolluru - India Good Times Books 2013 - 236 p.

Half Single Half Married is about the dreams of a man, feelings of his woman and the saga of their relationship. What does a man want? Sex? Yes, however he needs love too. What does a woman want? Love? Yes. However she needs sex too. What does a man and his woman want together? a family? Yes, However, they need companionship too. Everybody wants everything. Love, Sex, companionship, trust and a lot more.
When Raghunath Shstri, a twenty nine year old advertising executive, gets married to Harini, a rape victim, the life ahead becomes a mysterious path where emotions get bemused to an extent that it impacts his marriage with her. Along his path, travels a group of interesting characters; Dinesh and his wife Kalpana, Akhil and his wife Maya. Together they summon a word of love, desires, pain and ambitions while creating moments of ambiguity.



Fiction KOL-S